Did you miss the 2020 National Restorative Justice Symposium? We have the video here. Peacebuilders’ Founder and Board Member, Eva Marszewski, along with Executive Director, Marlon Merraro, presented at the 2020 National Restorative Justice Symposium. Eva and Marlon were joined by distinguished experts in both the medical and justice fields to discuss “The Adolescence Project”.
The Adolescence Project seeks to examine, understand and address the negative impact of the law upon young people by its failure to recognize and define “adolescence” (young people aged 12 to 25), as a distinct category of human development, separate and apart from childhood and adulthood. The justice system’s failure to address adolescent conflict through this developmental lens, leaves young people who turn 18 suddenly subject to the adult justice system and no longer afforded the enhanced rights and protections of the youth justice system.