We want to hear from you!

Help us improve youth court services by filling out this online survey.

We are working to better understand how young people and their families experience youth court so that we can improve services.

A new courthouse is being built in Toronto that will combine all adult criminal and youth courts in the city in one location downtown. The new courthouse is slated to open in 2022, but youth court services have not been finalized yet. This is an important opportunity to imagine how we can do things better.

Your responses to this survey will help us better understand the real experiences of court users. Your answers will be compiled with all of the other responses to develop recommendations that will be shared with the youth justice sector, policymakers and the broader public. We can’t promise that we can make all of your ideas happen, but we can learn from you in order to improve the way we work and the way we work with other people in the courthouse.

We will be conducting consultations between February and May 2019. 

Who are we? 

Peacebuilders is a nonprofit organization based in Toronto that runs court-diversion programs and provides supportive services to youth in conflict with the law. This survey is part of a larger project on youth courts being funded by The Laidlaw Foundation, an independent foundation that provides funding to support research and programs dedicating to improving youth well-being and inclusion. This project is not part of any government initiative.