Peacebuilders Canada Blog

Leadership Change Announcement

It is with mixed feelings that the Board of Directors announces that after three successful years as Executive Director, Marlon Merraro will end his term of office at Peacebuilders on October 31, 2022, as he has undertaken a position as Director of Diversity at the...

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Senators Go to Jail

Did you know that Senators, MPs, and the Judiciary can, and in fact have the right to, visit all federal penitentiaries in Canada? Learn what they learned in a new report entitled, Senators Go to Jail: When, why, and what did they find? The report highlights concerns...

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Peacebuilders Canada Endorses Bill C-5

Together with our community partners and expert advisors, Peacebuilders Canada has provided letters of endorsement to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights to support Bill C-5. Peacebuilders maintains that Bill C-5 is an important step to...

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Ontario Trillium Foundation Grow Grant Wrap-up Event

Peacebuilders Wraps Up Restorative Schools Project aimed at increasing Restorative Practices within Schools to Reduce Conflict and Suspensions TORONTO, ON – On Friday, Peacebuilders International (Canada) held a virtual wrap up of its three-year Restorative Schools...

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R v. Morris

Introduction The Ontario Court of Appeal has recently released its decision on the Morris appeal. This decision leaves the legal landscape largely unchanged in terms of how Black Canadians are to be sentenced but provides some clarity that legal professionals and...

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R v. CP

A recent Supreme Court of Canada ruling released in May, reinforces criminal justice inequality between youth and adults.  In the case of CP, the Supreme Court upheld a law that denies youth the same opportunities as adults to appeal their cases to the Supreme Court...

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R v. Anderson

Introduction As Ontarian legal professionals and community organizations waited in eager anticipation for the R v. Morris (“Morris") appeal decision, which now guides sentencing practices for Black Ontarians, the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal released its own decision...

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#PBListens: Building a Better Youth Court

Throughout the month of December, we continue to raise awareness about important issues in youth justice. Scroll the gallery below as we share stats, information and stories about access to justice issues for youth in Toronto. Click here to view the entire campaign on...

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